Update for episode mu58 THE ONCE AND FUTURE DUKE with a nice cel of young David captured by a Hungerlily. I really like the sense of movement of this cel, enjoy!
Update for episode mu62 golden disks of knowledge. Today we have one of my favourite cel of Zanthor! I really like his laugh expression..so Filmation-style!
New entry for "WHO DREW THIS?" section: today we have a layout drawing with Cambro and Orko "standing together behind door" as we can read directly on the note. Have I to say you that I really like this layout? Both of our heroes are drew in a really cool way! enjoy ;)
Update for episode MU54 GAME PLAN! Today we have a nice cel with two of the main characters of the series: Teela and Man-at-Arms. As you can see Duncan is carrying his new device: a beam-ray machine. enjoy :)
Update for episode DREE ELLE'S RETURN with a cel of the forest transformed by the horn of evil into a living scary forest...All the trees look really cool and they remind me the Filmation's Ghostbusters "changing chamber"!
Update for episode MU47 "KEEPER OF THE ANCIENT RUINS" with a cel of 2 Zactons: here you can see that the animation of robot's mouth is made just by adding a blank cel with a yellow square!
Update for episode MU65 THE HEART OF A GIANT with a cel of one of the most characteristic character in the series: Tick Tock! We previously saw this character in episode MU45 ORKO'S MISSING MAGIC ..and then he is back in this episode!
NEW EPISODE! MU54 GAME PLAN Today we have cel of Orko with a really nice eyes expression! I really like the hand drawing because you can see the details of the thoughtful eyes. enjoy ;^)
Today's entry is for a new episode! The Heart of a Giant!! Here you can see the first time that Orko meets Cambro, the good giant; I really like the surprise expression of our heroic court magician!
Update for episode MU66 THE CAT AND THE SPIDER with a cel of Grimalkin demon: here you can see the real form of Grimalkin statue after the transformation due to a spell of Skeletor!
Update for the nice episode MU47 KEEPER OF THE ANCIENT RUINS! Here we have a group cel featuring Man-at-Arms ant the Zaktons; I really like the fact that Duncan helps the Zaktons who previously attacked him and Prof. Smallen -but we know- he is an Heroic Warrior and always helps who is in need!
Let's start this new week with a nice layout drawing of Kittrina and Teela, the two female warriors of episode MU66 THE CAT AND THE SPIDER . and again the question is: who is the artist who drew this nice layout?
Today we have a nice cel with 2 of the greatest scientists of all Eternia: Professor Smallen and Man-at-Arms! I really like the peaceful expression of Man-at-Arms . Just have a look!